Открытый урок в 6 классе разработала и провела Леонтьева Ирина Михайловна
Тема урока: “How to spend our free time usefully.”
Тип учебного занятия: урок совершенствования знаний, умений, навыков учащихся.
Цели урока:
1. Систематизировать знания учащихся по теме: “Leisure activities”.
2. Расширить культурно- страноведческие знания учащихся по теме.
Задачи урока:
Обучающие: развитие умений всех видов речевой деятельности (говорение, чтение, аудирование, письмо).
развитие внимания;
развитие воображения при моделировании ситуаций общения;
развитие способности к выбору средств выражения, адекватных речевой ситуации;
развитие коммуникабельности;
воспитание уважительного отношения к мнению других людей;
воспитание уважительного отношения к традициям и обычаям как части культуры разных стран мира;
формирование способности понимать образ жизни и поведение зарубежных сверстников,
осознание своей культуры через контекст культуры англоязычных стран;
Оснащение урока: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, магнитофон, раздаточный
материал по теме.
Формы учебной деятельности: парная, групповая, фронтальная.
Методы: беседа, иллюстрация (слайдовая презентация), мозговой штурм.
Педагогические приемы:
приемы формирования и активизации отдельных операций мышления, внимания, памяти, восприятия, воображения;
приемы, способствующие созданию проблемных, поисковых ситуаций в мыслительной деятельности уч-ся;
приемы самообучения школьников.
Ход урока.
1. Introduction. (Организационный момент) (слайд 1).
Teacher: Hello, dear boys and girls! Nice to see you! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? What day is it today? What is the weather like today?
P1: I’m on duty today. …
Teacher: Thank you.
2.Warm -up activities. (Речевая зарядка) Определение темы урока.
Teacher: Well, children, what do you do at school?
P2: We study at school.
P3: We get knowledge.
Teacher: Good. And do you like to play? Ps: Yes, we do.
What do you think, can pupils study playing? Ps: Yes, they can.
(слайд 2) And what games help us to study? P4-P5…: Backgammon,darts,..
Teacher: You are absolutely right. And why do these games help us to study?
P4: I think they teach us different skills.
P3: I think chess; backgammon and cluedo are educational and require lots of thinking.
P1: I think scrabble helps us to learn language and arithmetic.
P8: I think cluedo and monopoly help us to solve different problems and to cope with tasks.
P9: I guess, some of them require strategic thinking.
Teacher: Good of you. So, what are you going to speak about today?
P5: We are going to speak about board games today.
Teacher: You are right. Today, we are going to speak about how to spend our free time usefully playing board games. Now tell me, please.
What do you personally want to learn at our lesson?
P6: I want to learn about our classmates’ favourite board games.
P7 : I want to see an album about favourite board games of the 6th B form.
P8: I want to learn how to write a letter to our pen-friends.
P9: I want to learn about favourite board games of English children.
Teacher: Very good children.
3. Phonetic drill. (Фонетическая зарядка.) (слайд 3)
Teacher: Now let’s revise the words. Look at the screen. Listen to me and repeat after me.
T →Ps: Backgammon,…
Teacher: Good. Now match the words with the pictures, please.
Ps: 1.e 2.c 3.g 4.b 5.h 6.a 7.i 8.j 9.f 10. D
4. Speaking (Монологическая речь.)
Teacher: Super! Children, your homework was to make up a presentation about your favourite board game. We collected your presentations in an album.
Now who wants to present your work and to speak about your favourite board game?
(Слайд 5) P9- P10(рассказывают о своей любимой игре).
Teacher: Thank you. Children, ask them your questions, please?
P12: Why is this game useful?
P13: Who invented this game?...
P9: I think it is useful because …
(Слайд 6) P11-P12 (рассказывают о своей любимой игре).
Teacher: Thank you. Children, ask them your questions, please?
P14: Why do you like this game?
P11: I like it because…
Teacher: Thank you. Excellent.
5. Listening (Аудирование.)(5min)
Teacher: Now let’s listen and learn how children from Great Britain spend their free time. Take a sheet of paper under the title “Listening”. Listen and for questions 48-52 tick the correct box.
Teacher: Are you ready? Ok. Change your paper with your partner. Let’s check it. (Слайд 15) (Взаимопроверка)
6. Relaxation. (Физкультминутка) (Слайд 16, 17)
Teacher: Children, are you tired? Let’s have a rest and do some exercises. Stand up, please.
7. Speaking (Диалогическая речь) (Слайд 18)
Teacher: And now boys and girls offer your friends to play a game with you.
P1 → P2 P3 → P4 ……
↖ ↙ ↖ ↙
P3 P5
Teacher: Let’s listen to you…Come to the blackboard, please. Very good. We’ve learnt about your classmates. And would you like to know about favourite board games of the British children?
8.Reading (Чтение.)
Teacher: Yesterday I received a letter, but it got wet because of the snow.
Can you help me to read a letter? Take a sheet of paper under the title “A Letter”. Read it and fill in the missing words, please. (cлайд 19, 20).
Are you ready? Change your paper with your partner. Let’s check it.
(Слайд 21) (Взаимопроверка)
Teacher: Now let‘s read the letter one by one.
(Проверка понимания прочитанного.)
Teacher: 1) So, what board games does Alice like to play?
P6: She likes to play chess and scrabble.
2) Why does she enjoy playing them?
P7: She enjoys playing them because they are entertaining, educational and require lots of thinking and she often wins.
Teacher: You are right. And now let’s remember the plan of writing a letter.
Look at the screen. Any letter consists of the introduction, the main body and the conclusion.
1.First comes a greeting. Put a comma after the greeting.
2.The next step is your topic. (It is what you are going to write about.):
Introduction ( Hi! How are you? Thank you for the letter. My name is…I’m …years old….)
Main body (In my free time I most like ….)
Conclusion (That’s all for now. Have fun./ I look forward to seeing you soon. )
Love, / All the best,/ Your friend,
3.The last comes your sign(Write your first name).
Sign (first name).
9. Homework (Домашнее задание).
Teacher: Your homework will be to write a letter to Alice and to learn about her friends’ favourite board games.
10. Reflexion. (Рефлексия)
Teacher: What have you learnt at our lesson today?
How have you worked at our lesson today?
What have you spoken about at our lesson today?
What have you made at our lesson today?
Teacher: I appreciate your knowledge and speaking skills. Thank you for the lesson.Your marks are … Our lesson is over. Good luck! Good-bye!